Do your advisors really have the correct skills to deliver a good level of service?
A client recently asked me what was the secret to managing and developing people. I said well the first thing is that you have to be interested in people. Yes, interested in people. Now I know that might seem a bit obvious but is that really what we see in organisations today. Incidentally by interested what I mean is interested in their personal development. What you can do for them, not just what they can do for you.
I think one of the structural problems in our industry is that our front line people are not well enough trained, supported or developed. In fact, in a recent study we carried out with the CCA, 20% of organisations feel their people have had insufficient training. It strikes me that number is probably significantly understated. At Kura, we are building a culture where the individual is our primary focus. Our philosophy and values are all about creating this culture.
Ultimately it’s about mindset, time and belief. Do you have the mindset where you truly believe that people can grow and develop, will your organisation spend a disproportionate amount of its time and energy focusing on the development of its people and do you have the inner strength & belief to see it through when there are always a thousand reasons not to?
Today and in the future as well as technical skills our people will need the adaptive and learning capabilities to solve ever more complex & challenging customer problems. When you build a culture that looks after people I suspect you grow people who will look after customers.
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